Who We Are

This website is owned and managed by VKL Consultant in New Zealand. We are a team of migrants serving migrants just like you. We have been through the journey from leaving our native country and successfully settling in New Zealand.

Many of us came here to study or to gain employment. We have been through tertiary studies at NZ universities and colleges. We have practical experience in applying for the right visas and to gaining Permanent Residency and NZ Citizenship.

Many of us have become successful employees, business owners and employers and know the employment and compliance requirements such as employment agreements, workplace culture, wage and salary, tenancy and health and safety. We have also partnered with selected professionals such as Immigration Advisors, Lawyers, Accredited Employers, Recruitment Agents, Education Agents, IELTS teachers, Employment Coaches, NGOs and Ethnic Support Organisations to ensure all your needs are met.

Accredited Employers

If you are an Accredited Employer in New Zealand, you can partner with us. We can supply the best skilled and unskilled migrant workers to meet all your manpower requirements.

Want to become an Accredited Employer?

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is the NZ Government department that is responsible for “delivering policy services, advice and regulation" which contribute to New Zealand's economic productivity and business growth. The MBIE has a robust process for accrediting selected employers who can then legally employ migrants. If you are not an Accredited Employer and wish to become one, we can assist you in the application process. We have partnered with our lawyers and translators who can work with you to gain accreditation.


We are a private company and are not part of any New Zealand government organization or agency. Therefore, we cannot guarantee you employment, placement at a school or tertiary institution or the grant of your visa. These are approved by Immigration New Zealand, respective employers and education institutions.

Whatever your query or concerns, we can answer them. So contact us now.

Thinking of Working, Settling or Studying
in New Zealand?